
Animation Block

Animation Block


The Splint

The Splint

A utility worker is robotically replacing wooden power poles with concrete ones, which upsets the local birds.

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Director: Mehdi Sedighi
5:27 minutes




‘Demi-Goddesses’ is conceived as a surreal anti-patriarchal thought experiment and raises important questions about gender, power, and social change, prompting us to reflect on how historical patterns of discrimination and oppression might be either repeated or overcome in a reversed gendered world. It challenges the viewer to confront their own assumptions and biases, and to consider the possibilities of a more equitable society.

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Director: Martin Gerigk
7:25 minutes
The Cage

The Cage

All the citizens of a small village are unaware that they have a cage on their head, until one individual recognizes the restriction and makes others aware.

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Director: Hamideh Motavali Zadeh
3:34 minutes


Mail Myself To You

Mail Myself To You

“Mail Myself to You” is an experimental animated documentary which explores the legacy and future of the Oberlin College Mail Art Collection and the medium of mail art as a whole. The film asks what it truly means to send art and find community through the mail, and how we can preserve the memory of art that resists convention.

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Director: Imogen Pranger
16 minutes


Driven by a desire to avenge her fallen comrades, a young huntress battles to slay a dragon but at the price of reigniting a cycle of vengeance.

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Director: Kai Wen Gon
3:00 minutes


The Sprayer

The Sprayer

In the land occupied with the Sprayers Army, no one has the right to grow  plants either in public or private. Most of the people and even the soldiers don’t know how a plant grows or what one looks like. Until one day, one of the soldiers finds a seed buried deep down in the dust and his curiosity is just the beginning of something extraordinary, something big… something revolutionary.

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Director: Farnoosh Abedi
8:45 minutes




Rusty the Robot finds himself working at the local sleepy gym. While the manager steps out, Rusty takes charge of the music and turns up the tempo with thrilling results!

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Director: Alan Rosenfeld
2:46 minutes





Oct 12 2024


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm




R/C Reading Movies 11 & IMAX - Theater 1
30 N 2nd St, Reading, PA 19601