Border South
Director: Raúl O. Paz Pastrana
Runtime: 83 minutes
To stem the immigration tide, Mexico and the US collaborate to crack down on migrants, forcing them into ever more dangerous territory.
Every year hundreds of thousands of migrants make their way along the trail running from southern Mexico to the US border. Gustavo’s gunshot wounds from Mexican police, which received a lot of press attention, might just earn him a ticket out of Nicaragua. Meanwhile anthropologist Jason De León painstakingly collects objects left behind by migrants on the trail, which have their own stories to tell. These remains, from Hondurans crossing through southern Mexico, reveal a vivid portrait of the thousands of immigrants who disappear along the trail.
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Screening Info
Date: Friday, October 1, 2021 at 7:30pm
Venue: Reading IMAX Theater
Address: 30 N 2nd St, Reading
Tickets: $10